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Mar 16, 2012

A look inside Talbot by Thunevin


The 1st presentation of the wines of Chateau Talbot 2011 to Bordeaux merchants and brokers took place on Tuesday, March 13. Another good wine from Talbot considering the challenges of this vintage, in other words between average and good. Note that I find 2007 good while 2004 average. Lots of investments have been done to give this property the necessary tools, without over-doing it.

The picture of the cellar, which I found quite beautiful, doesn’t substitute the physical sensation and smells of new barrels, a prefect aging cellar.

Following, we tasted the 2011 from Château Fleur Cardinale, another good vintage, Secrets de Cardinale, Fleur Cardinale and a new cuvee called Croix de Cardinale. The 3 will be, I hope, the successes of the vintage. Tasting opened for everyone on April 2nd: an opportunity to check my statements!
